How Solodrop Product Templates Work [Legacy]

Pssst...If you don't yet understand how Shopify product templates work, it might be best to head over to our article explaining how to apply product templates to your products first.

When editing your product page in the theme customizer, these edits will apply to all product pages that use the same product template. This can be avoided by ensuring that you apply different product templates to each of your products. Solodrop comes with 6 unique product templates. 

What if I have more than 6 products on my store? 

If your store has more than 6 products, you'll still be able to completely take advantage of the customizable product templates, while still being able use a general product template for the remaining products on your store. Here's how:

You will need to apply 5 of the product templates to products that you would like to have fully customizable. This would be products that you have the intention of containing completely unique content, with no intention of sharing the content across other products.

The remaining 6th product template should be applied to the rest of your remaining products on your store. This way, you can use this remaining template as more of a "general" product template that shares content across multiple products. When you edit content on this product template, this should be with the intention of sharing content across many products.

Let's go over this again with an example below.


Let's say you have 30 products on your store. You'd like to have 5 featured products that have completely unique and customized product pages. This is possible to do with Solodrop's product templates. If you apply 5 unique product templates to each of these 5 featured products, ensuring that none of them share the same template, then you'll be able to edit these products individually in the theme customizer with their own unique content.

You'll then be able to use Solodrop's remaining 6th product template to apply across the rest of your products. The 6th remaining template will be used as a general template that has content that will be shared across the remaining 25 products on your store.  

Grouping similar products

Because of our unique product template system, many of our customers have gotten strategic with setting up their product pages. 

If you have a larger catalog, it might be best to group your product templates in a way that best fits your catalog diversity. In other words, you could apply the same template to all products that share a similar attribute, such as collection, product type, or vendor. 


Let's say you have a watch store that contains 5 different brands. For each of these brands, let's say you have 10 watches. That would mean you have 50 products total. 

In this scenario, it might be best to "categorize" your product templates by applying a unique template to all products that share the same brand.

So, 1 product template could be applied to 10 products that share the same brand, while another product template could be applied to another 10 products that share another brand, and so on. 

This would allow you to fully customize the product pages while keeping the content shared across each product within that brand. You can apply this same concept to your products by mapping out how your product templates should be grouped across your product catalog. 

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