How To Set Up CTA In Header

The CTA in header features allows the display of a call to action button right within the header of your site. This can either lead the customer to your product page or send them directly to check out.

Configuring CTA In Header

  1. Visit the theme customizer and click on the Header section on the left side toolbar.
  2. From there, scroll down (within the toolbar settings) until you see the group of settings with the title "HEADER CTA". Here, you can configure each setting for the CTA button.
  3. Select the product you'd like to use for the button actions. This will select the first variant that belongs to the product. If no product is selected, the product will default to the One Product setting found under Theme Settings -> One Product (if exists).
  4. From here, you can configure what the button action is (send to checkout or link to product page), the CTA text and whether or not to use a cart icon inside the button.
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